Pyroprinter 3 software

The PC version

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Pyroprinter 3 software is a licensed machine control program

  • Adapted for Windows XP, 7, 8, and 10. 
  • Draws 75 shades of gray (not counting black). 
  • The program works offline-sends data to the memory card and does not participate in the burning process •
  • Supported files: bmp, jpg, tiff, gif. 
  • To install and work with the program, we give a video instruction

Computer requirements:

  • Windows XP, 7, 8, 10
  • USB port
  • 1 GB of RAM


The Android Version

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The app is suitable for a smartphone running Android 5.0 or higher.

The pyroprinter 3 either connects to your home Wi-Fi network* or creates its own Wi-Fi point. You can connect to such a Wi-Fi network from your phone, even if you don’t have a Wi-Fi router nearby.

*to configure Wi-Fi, you must first configure the controller (write the network name, password, and ip address)


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